UNEP-UNITAR 2050 Electronic and Electrical Waste Outlook in West Asia

The joint UNEP-UNITAR 2050 Electronic and Electrical Waste Outlook in West Asia provides two contrasting future scenarios for e-waste management in Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, State of Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. Today, 99.9% of electrical and electronic waste equipment (e-waste) is currently unmanaged or mismanaged. The A transition toward a circular economy approach will have positive impacts on both the reduction of 33 per cent electronic and electrical equipment placed on the market, 14 per cent less e-waste generation and an estimated total of 130 t of gold, 5 t of rare earth metals, 17 Mt of iron and steel, and many other materials could be recycled to 2050. Simultaneously, a larger proportion of hazardous materials and greenhouse gases will be managed in an environmentally sound manner, leading to mitigated emissions of up to 6 t of mercury, 60 t of cadmium, and 53 Mt CO2 equivalent. It is estimated that roughly 225,000 full-time equivalent jobs would be created for repair of used EEE and collection and pre-treatment of e-waste.

Monitor Features

1. What is E-waste?

Definition, product categories, disposal routes, key issues

4. Statistics

EEE POM and E-waste Generated, Categories, ESM

7. Common Issues

Five Driving Reasons

2. Methodology

Statistics, Management Assessment,

5. Transboundary Movement

Policies, Quantities, Issues and Impacts

8. Recommendations

3. Regional Overview Legislation and Systems

Status, International Agreements, Stakeholders, Projects

6. Management Assessment

Comparative Performance Review

9. Country Profiles

Book Preview

Other E-waste Data Resources

Regional E-waste Monitor for Latin America 2022

• Regional E-waste Monitor for Latin America 2021

Regional E-waste Monitor 2021

• E-waste Monitor 2021: Cis + Georgia

Global E-waste Monitor 2020

• E-waste Monitor 2014: Quantities, Flows and Resources

Global E-waste Monitor 2017

• E-waste Monitor 2017: Quantities, Flows and Resources.

Regional E-waste Monitor Asia 2016

• Regional E-waste Monitor 2016: East and Southeast Asia

Global E-waste Monitor 2014

• E-waste Monitor 2014: Quantities, Flows and Resources

Future E-waste Scenarios

E-waste will double by 2050,
Read more:

E-waste in Latin America

• eWaste in Latin America 2015: Statistical analysis and policy recommendations.

Global E-waste Data

• The Global E-waste Statisitics Partnership, Map,