As the world gathers momentum toward addressing plastic pollution through legally binding instruments, robust data is the backbone of impactful action, especially for “Periodic Assessment and Monitoring” in the Compilation Text.
UNEP and UNITAR are jointly working on the Statistical Guideline for Measuring Flows of Plastic throughout the Life Cycle. This statistical guideline addresses the lack of a detailed, globally agreed-upon statistical methodology for measuring flows of plastic at national, regional, and global levels.

The primary objective of the guideline is to provide guidance to data producers- including national statistical offices, waste management authorities, international organizations, academia, or other organizations- for producing high-quality statistics on plastic.
By promoting such systemic alignment, this guideline will facilitate better datasets and understanding of plastic flows to, in turn, support decision-making at all levels, fostering responsible plastic production and consumption, effective plastic waste management, and the transition to a circular economy for plastics.
Core indicators and their calculation proposed in the guideline will help capture the overall picture and the most essential aspects of plastic flows along the life cycle at the national level.

The statistical guideline has concluded the global consultation process. The official release in 2025 will also be announced here. Together, we can build a strong, data-driven foundation for tackling plastic pollution together!